February 24, 2009

Custom event confirmations

Confirming your events is an important way to not only assure your attendees that they have successfully registered, but to also provide them vital details about the event. Vital details such as a pin for a webinar, special directions to a conference or even a link to a map.

Now you can easily add custom details to your events with Distant Measures.

And just in case you decide to change the name of your event and forget to update it in the confirmation, you can use the {eventName} variable anywhere you like within the subject or message and it will automatically be updated with the real event name when the confirmation is sent.

If you decide that you don't want to add a custom message to your event confirmation, that's fine, by default the event details that you entered when you originally created the event will be included in a confirmation.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! There are important details that we need to send out to attendees of our webinars so they know what number to dial, what key code to use, etc. This is going to save time and take a load off our shoulders... Thanks!

Anonymous said...

If we're using the API, how does the confirmation URL work? In other words, when we add an attendee to Distant Measures, how will our system know to redirect to the confirmation URL that we provided for that specific event?

Kris Hadlock said...

Good question, Steve!

If you take a look at the Distant Measures API and choose any of the event methods (ex. GetEvents) you'll notice that the Event object returned to you contains a ConfirmationURL string.

The ConfirmationURL can be used on your end to then redirect the new attendee to a confirmation page to tell them how much you appreciate them, provide them with additional details, and so on.